Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Anonymous MSDE?

Is it possible for MSDE to be installed but to have no
identifying name? I have installed MSDE on a system but I
am getting no indication of the installtion when my app
tries to access it. There is some code I have used which
basically uses SQLBrowseConnect() to determine if it is
installed. It comes back with no server in the list.
What is more likely is that network protocols are currently disabled. Run
svrnetcn.exe and check that appropriate protocols are enabled.
Greg Low [MVP]
MSDE Manager SQL Tools
"steve" <> wrote in message
> Is it possible for MSDE to be installed but to have no
> identifying name? I have installed MSDE on a system but I
> am getting no indication of the installtion when my app
> tries to access it. There is some code I have used which
> basically uses SQLBrowseConnect() to determine if it is
> installed. It comes back with no server in the list.
> Steve
|||What would be the best way to verify that a local server is
up and running programmatically from an application?

>--Original Message--
>What is more likely is that network protocols are
currently disabled. Run
>svrnetcn.exe and check that appropriate protocols are
>Greg Low [MVP]
>MSDE Manager SQL Tools
>"steve" <> wrote in message
|||No really good way currently except via the scripting interface into the
operating system and checking for SQL Server services and then checking
their states.
Greg Low [MVP]
MSDE Manager SQL Tools
<> wrote in message
> What would be the best way to verify that a local server is
> up and running programmatically from an application?
> Steve
> currently disabled. Run
> enabled.
> I
> which
|||Is there any article that touches upon the details of how
to accomplish this?

>--Original Message--
>No really good way currently except via the scripting
interface into the
>operating system and checking for SQL Server services and
then checking
>their states.
>Greg Low [MVP]
>MSDE Manager SQL Tools
><> wrote in message
|||Hi Steve,
I wrote some courseware a few years ago that covered scripting. This is an
excerpt from some VBScript code that checks for services that should start
automatically but haven't:
Set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:")
Set objServices = objWMI.InstancesOf("Win32_Service")
strList = ""
For Each objService In objServices
If (objService.StartMode = "Auto")
and (objService.State = "Stopped") Then
strList = strList & objService.DisplayName & strCRLF
End If
wscript.echo strlist
Modifying it for to find any sql server services that have started would be
something like:
Set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:")
Set objServices = objWMI.InstancesOf("Win32_Service")
strList = ""
For Each objService In objServices
if Left(objService.DisplayName,5) = "MSSQL" Then
if objService.State = "Running" Then
strlist = strlist & objservice.DisplayName & chr(13) & chr(10)
End If
End If
wscript.echo strlist
If you translate that to whichever language you're using, you should be
Greg Low [MVP]
MSDE Manager SQL Tools
"steve" <> wrote in message
> Is there any article that touches upon the details of how
> to accomplish this?
> Steve
> interface into the
> then checking

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