Thursday, March 8, 2012

Another GUID problem... What is wrong with this code ?

I have the following code:
Dim RowLoopIndex As Integer
For RowLoopIndex = 0 To (DsFuncties.Tables("Functies").Rows.Count - 1)
If DsFuncties.Tables("Functies").Rows(RowLoopIndex).Item("FunctieID") = Func_ID Then
Func_naam = (DsFuncties.Tables("Functies").Rows(RowLoopIndex).Item("Functienaam"))
DDL_Functie.SelectedIndex = RowLoopIndex + 1
Exit For
End If
Func_ID has been declared as follows:
Public Property Func_ID() As Guid
If Not viewstate("Func_ID") Is Nothing Then
Return viewstate("Func_ID")
End If
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Guid)
viewstate("Func_ID") = Value
End Set
End Property

On the red line I got the following tooltip (error):
Operator '=' is not defined for types 'System.Object' and 'System.Guid'.
How can I define '=' and eg. '&' for type System.Guid ?? Or another solution ??
Help is appreciated, Ger.This is the solution:
If DsFuncties.Tables("Functies").Rows(RowLoopIndex).Item("FunctieID").ToString() = Func_ID.ToString() Then
Hope this helps others too...
regards, Ger.

|||The underlying issue with that exception is you're validating two separate types.
By converting the type System.Object to System.GUID, it would be easier to work with.

Func_ID().Equals(CType(DsFuncties.Tables("Functies").Rows(RowLoopIndex).Item("FunctieID"), GUID))
That would be a more appropriate method than to cast both into strings then evaluate.
|||Hey KraGiE, thanks for the advice.
With your help I become a rather good programmer, (I hope).
regards from the North Sea.

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