I am also angry and frustrated with SQL 2005 Management Studio - here are some of the problems I'm having ...
1. When I look at the jobs on the summary page and click details I see only the name and status of the job - With Enterprise Manager I can see the name, status, category, last run date and next run date. Where's the rest of the info?
2. Occasionally I get a blank summary page with nothing on it - don't ask me how I managed to do it. Without it, I could not select multiple objects in object explorer for scripting for example - and why is that the case?
3. Under Management Studio how do I get access to Integration services and reporting services? Or do I use Visual Studio for those? Or should I be using Visual Studio for writing and debugging stored procs? I thought it was all integrated under Management Studio - but is Management Studio just for querying SQL databases and Business Intelligence Studio for that and other data sources? I'm confused by all the tools.
4. I would like to find a good tutorial for using this interface - the books online tutorial is sparse - but I never felt that I really needed one with EM.
5. On the positive side I like the new interface for modifying individual SQL objects - it's groups of objects that are giving me the most trouble.
regards Richard
1. Limited information on the summary page.
We've heard this from several different sources. The "Job Steps Execution History" report provides some of the information you listed. Other information requires you to select properties for the particular job.
2. Blank summary page.
I haven't heard of this happening. Can you consistently repro this or is it totally hit or miss?
3. Access to SSIS, SSAS, and SSRS from within SSMS
Connections are server specific. From the Object Explorer click on Connect and the drop down will list the different server types (AS, RS, IS, etc) you can connect to. From here the connection dialog will be displayed and you can choose the physical server to connect to. BI Studio is for developing BI applications not for managing the servers.
4. Good tutorial for SSMS
An update to the tutorials will be posted shortly but I don't know if this will address your needs. I haven't done an inventory of third party tutorials, but I'm sure you can find some out on SQL Server sites like SQL Junkies.
5. Groups of objects are giving me the most trouble
Can you elaborate on this?
Dan -
Thanks for the reply just came back from the holidays
1. Thanks I eventually figured this out - thats ok.
2. Cant repro this.
3. I eventually found the Registered Servers windows which helped me greatly with managing multiple servers.
4. OK.
5. On the groups of objects - this isn't that big of deal - it's just surprising that I cannot highlight groups of objects in the Object Explorer - I must use the summary page for that. Thanks R
|||#1, please use job activity monitor node under SQLServer Agent node
# 2. I am not sure the sceanrio you are refering to. For eg. If you are selecting Alerts node and there are no alerts, then the summary page is expected to be empty.
# 3. You can connect to Inetgration services and Reporting services from SQL Server Management studio(SSMS). For editing the packages you will need to use SQL BIDS(Business Intelligence Development Studio). VS can be used for debugging, it is not integrated in SSMS.
# 4. BOL has all the answers to your questions you have posted. If there is some "area" that you are looking for does not have answer, please let us know.
Gops Dwarak
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